Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders are conditions that affect the muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and nerves of the body. These disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, overuse, aging, and genetics. Some common examples of musculoskeletal disorders include arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, and back pain. 

Panchakarma to treat musculoskeletal disorders

Panchakarma is an ayurvedic therapy that involves a series of cleansing and rejuvenating treatments aimed at restoring the body’s natural balance and promoting overall health.  Panchakarma can be used to treat musculoskeletal disorders by 
  • Removing toxins from the body
  • Reducing inflammation and
  • Improving circulation
Step 1: The first step in panchakarma is usually an oil massage called Abhyanga, which helps to loosen toxins and promote relaxation.  Step 2: The next step is Swedana, which involves sweating to further remove toxins from the body.  Step 3: After that, a series of treatments such as Nasya (nasal administration of herbal oils), Virechana (purgation therapy), Basti (medicated enema), and Rakta mokshana (bloodletting) may be used to address specific health issues. Panchakarma can also include lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes, exercise, and stress management techniques, which can help prevent the recurrence of musculoskeletal disorders.  It is important to note that panchakarma done at SvayamHEAL is under the guidance of trained Ayurvedic practitioners with several years of experience gained from treating hundreds of patients.

Fight Back Against Health Disorders with Our Panchakarma Services

SvayamHEAL has developed a personalized Panchakarma treatment program to cure your specific health problems.

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“I had been suffering from joint pain and arthritis for many years, and I had tried many treatments, including painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. But after undergoing panchakarma treatment at SvayamHEAL, I no longer experience joint pains unless I walk for real long distances, and I could move more freely at home without feeling any pain and stiffness”
Ajith Singh

Panchakarma Treatments Offered By SvayamHEAL

SvayamHEAL is dedicated to providing high-quality and personalized care to our patients, addressing their unique health concerns with an individualized approach. Our Panchakrma treatments include,

Why Panchakarma Treatment?

Unlike allopathic treatment, which uses drugs, surgeries, and other medical interventions to treat diseases and symptoms, Panchakarma aims to restore the balance and harmony of the body’s natural systems. It promotes overall health and wellness while treating any specific health disorder. 
Panchakarma involves a series of therapeutic procedures to cleanse and detoxify the body, mind, and spirit.

Panchakarma is both safe and has no side-effects, whatsoever.

Panchakarma Benefits

Panchakarma treatment offers a wide range of benefits, including

Panchakarma Services at SvayamHEAL

At SvayamHEAL, we offer a range of Panchakarma services tailored to your individual needs. 
Our experienced practitioners will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your specific health goals.

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Raktamokshana derives its name from Rakta meaning ‘blood’ and mokshana meaning ‘liberation. This therapy is also known as Leech Therapy. This treatment literally ‘releases’ impure blood from the system.

This procedure helps in treating varicose veins, abscesses, skin diseases, alopecia, high blood pressure, various inflammations and conditions associated with spleen and liver. Rakthamokshana is done to remove deep-seated circulating toxins from the blood. It relieves stagnation and congestion in varicose veins.

Important Note – NOT RECOMMENDED –   This treatment is not recommended for children, people above the age of 70, anemic people and pregnant women.

RecommendedThis treatment is extremely helpful for patients suffering from eczema and other skin disorders, swellings and inflammations.

It is a procedure in which Doshas (waste products or toxins) are eliminated through upper channels i.e. mouth, Specially the Kapha and Pitta Dosha brought to Amashaya (stomach and duodenum) from all over the body by the specific preoperative procedures and then eliminated out by inducing the emesis (Vomiting).

Recommended –  It is highly beneficial for patients  of Kapha and Kapha-Pitta doshas  and patients suffering with Kapha disorders and associated Pitta disorders or diseases originating or settled in the place of Kapha like bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD, productive cough, migraine, hyperacidity, indigestion, anorexia, obesity, overweight, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, skin diseases like acne vulgaris, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, Lichen Plannus, vitiligo, urticaria, falling and graying of hairs, inflammatory and swollen joint disorders of early stage, depression, drowsiness, excessive sleep, epilepsy, certain auto immune diseases etc.

This treatment focuses on cleansing the intestines, liver and gall bladder. These are prime Pitta-dominated organs of the body. Also eliminates harmful metabolic wastes like toxic bile residues, helping to cure various conditions in the gastrointestinal tract.

It’s also claimed that virechana procedure helps remove toxins which flushes out gouts and toxins that cause joint pain in your body.

Recommended – Virechana is an important Ayurvedic treatment for people suffering from the following:

  • Skin problems like seborrheic dermatitis, blisters, freckles, discoloured patches on the face
  • Ulcers
  • Gastritis
  • Frequent disgestive problems
  • Jaundice
  • Enlargement of  Spleen
  • Abdominal tumours
  • Piles
  • Swelling or joint tenderness
  • Anaemia
  • Infertility related issues
  • Eliminate the complications in the spleen, kidneys, liver and gall bladder
  • Effective for piles and jaundice treatment
  • Aids with treating gynaecological disorders
  • Eliminates accumulated toxins from GI tracts
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Clears impure blood, thus improving skin conditions
  • Flushes out excess mucus and toxins from intestines
  • Improves bowel movements
  • Improves sexual health
  • Has no side effects

It is an Ayurvedic term, a procedure followed for disorders related to migraine, throat, nose, ear, sinusitis, and any other organ above the neck. Ayurveda purifies these organs and removes vitiated doshas through the nasal openings. The nasal treatment happens in the form of medicated powders, medicinal fumes, nasal oil, or medicated juice.


Recommended  & Benefits –  Anyone suffering from ENT related problems such as sinus, migraine, ear pain or throat pain, then you are eligible for an ayurvedic nasyam therapy. This particular treatment is also effective in detoxification of your skin.

There are numerous benefits of Nasya treatment, some of the notables ones include:

  1. It develops and strengthens the shoulders, chest, skin, and neck.
  2. The sensory organs become much stronger after Nasya therapy of 3-4 weeks.
  3. Any person witnessing grey hair can get rid of it with regular Nasya treatment.

The nasal medication also strengthens the visual site of a person. 

According to Ayurveda, Basti is an important procedure of Panchakarma therapy. This treatment of Panchakarma removes toxins and unwanted substances from one’s body. When it comes to Basti Karma, Ayurvedic practitioners administer herbal decoctions or medicated oils via the anal route. The Panchakarma treatment first accumulates every dosha of an individual’s body in his/her abdomen. This is done through Abhyanga massages of Panchakarma therapy.


Recommended & Benefits –

It is highly recommended for people suffering from health disorders like abdominal Vata and systemic Vata. This treatment effectively addresses health conditions like chronic constipation, sciatica, low back pain, arthritis, gout, low immunity etc. 

The following are the various benefits of the Basti treatment:

  • Basti therapy effectively treats health disorders arising from abdominal Vata and systemic Vata.
  • This treatment effectively addresses health conditions like chronic constipation, sciatica, low back pain, arthritis, gout etc.
  • It helps in internal nourishment of one’s body.
  • The Basti treatment improves immunity.
  • It improves the strength of one’s body and mind. 
  • This treatment has anti-ageing benefits.
  • Besides rejuvenating one’s body, Basti in Ayurveda improves the quality of semen and eggs.
  • It cleanses an individual’s body of the doshas.

Improving the texture and tone of one’s skin is another important benefit.

Shirodhara is a Sanskrit word which is made up of two words Shiro + DharaShiro means Head and Dhara means Flow. Shirodhara is especially used to strengthen & stabilize the body and mind. It is also used to improve the perception of taste in food, improve memory, skin & eyes. Shirodhara therapy is also well known to nourish the Rakta Dhatu (Blood) and could help with slowing down the aging process, sleep and stress related disorders, stroke, blood pressure and many more.  Shirodhara Therapy provides much needed relaxation and calm when living such high paced and high stress lifestyles.

Recommended & Benefits –

As per Ayurveda, Shirodhara is specifically advised when there is an aggravation of Vata and Pitta Doshas in the mind and body. An augmentation of Vata dosha results in insomnia, racing thoughts, anxiety, stress, dryness, hair fall, pain, and aches, whereas an aggravated Pitta dosha causes anger, irritability, frustration, burning sensation, migraines, and premature greying of the hair. Shirodhara is said to be beneficial when these Vata and Pitta imbalances create the above concerns.

The benefits of shirodhara Includes –

  1. Reduces fatigue
  2. Beneficial in sleep related problems, Insomnia
  3. Boosts blood circulation
  4. Helps in improving frequent headaches
  5. Lower the stress, anxiety and depression
  6. Improves concentration

7. Beneficial for Jet lag

As per Ayurveda, Akshi means eye and tarpan means giving strength to the eyes. The medicated ghee is poured over the eyelids in an enclosure built around the eye out of wheat flour. It is said to be an excellent treatment to improve vision and clarity of the mind.

Recommended & Benefits –

It’s highly recommended for people suffering from Dry eye syndrome. Computer vision. Conjunctivitis and other corneal ailments, early cataract formations. The treatment is also a cure for adding beauty to the eyes.


  • Balances Vata and pitta doshas.
  • Improves vision
  • Removes dark circles under the eyes.
  • Resurrection and revitalize tired, dry, fat and injured eyes
  • Give strength to the muscles and nerves of the eyes.
  • Helps in giving relaxation to the eye strain due to constant glaring of the computer or television screen, due to the precision job like jewelry designing and due to the long-distance drive

It is an Ayurveda therapy which Is recommended and used for people suffering from inflammatory pain and conditions. In this specific treatment, a mixture is prepared by mixing the medicines and some herbal liquids together which made into a paste. This mixture is known as lepam. This paste is then applied on the several affected parts of the body.

Recomemded & Benefits


This lepam paste acts as a scrubber to the body which is used to rejuvenate blood circulation, make the skin smooth, remove skin disorders and relieve pain management, at the same time it also activates the healing and natural purifying abilities of the body.


This Therapy is beneficial for

  • To relieve the inflammatory diseases.
  • Muscular Weakness
  • Joint dislocation and neuralgia (chronic cases)
  • Rheumatic complaints
  • Neurological Disorders
  • It helps to cure Eczema


  • Absorbs the swelling and inflammation from the affected part trans dermally.



The lepam Ayurveda therapy is an effective therapy for healing skin conditions and to provide a clean and glowing skin. This therapy should be applied for 90 whole minutes to 2 hours each day and this practice should be continued till 7-14 days.

Why SvayamHEAL

Experienced practitioners

Our team of experienced practitioners has years of experience in providing Panchakarma treatments

Personalized approach

We understand that each individual has unique health needs, and we work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan

Holistic approach

Our treatments focus on balancing the body, mind, and soul to promote overall health and well-being

Comfortable and relaxing environment

Our clinic provides a comfortable and relaxing environment where you can unwind and rejuvenate.

Affordable prices

We offer competitive prices for our high-quality Panchakarma services


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As for rebalancing the health of people, there are a variety of Ayurvedic treatments that we offer including:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Diet changes
  • Herbs and oils
  • Body treatments
  • Panchkarma – rejuvenation process
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Color Therapy
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